The unveiling and opening talk of William Sweetlove’s iconic water bottle sculpture will take place at the V&A Waterfront on the 5th September. Dirk Durnez will unveil the sculpture that will remain in the Waterfront for six months alongside an informative board about this meaningful artwork.
Sweetlove’s iconic large penguin will sit on a bed of plastic bags as an artistic response the V&A’s campaign to eliminate single use plastic.
William Sweetlove is a contemporary Belgium sculptor and avid member of the ‘Cracking Art Group’ based in Italy. The main ambition of this group is for its members to spread a vision of the world loaded with elements of irony and ecological awareness. In addition to this, Sweetlove holds the belief that his art must also be an antidote to overconsumption, overproduction and often uses his cultural commentary of Dadaism and Pop Art to remark on the effects of climate change.
In looking at our current problem, scientists have estimated that we have created 8.3 billion tons of plastic in the last 65 years and it is estimated by 2030 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans. In drawing attention to this, the collaboration hopes to inspire individuals to consider plastic alternatives to restore our Oceans.
Art@Africa cordially invites you to the unveiling of Sweetlove’s sculpture and encourages you to take pictures and share your penguin experience with us on social media with the tag @artatafrica and hashtag Water Wars.